Thursday, August 18, 2011

The Skinny on Subcutaneous and Visceral Fats

If I were to ask you what exactly fat does, would you be able to answer correctly?

The correct answer is “E,” meaning fat is actually healthy for you to have on your body. However, this doesn’t mean that you should overindulge in ice cream, french fries, and mountains of chocolate. In fact, once your body has too much, some serious health risks can arise.

Many of my East Coast plastic surgery patients come in thinking liposuction will solve all their fat problems. But this is not the case. In fact, only one type of fat out of the two we store is affected by liposuction. It is only our subcutaneous fat, the fat right beneath our skin, that can be sucked out. As a bonus the sucked out fat from your thighs, hips and more can be transferred into other parts of your body such as a your cheeks or lips for a fuller and plumper appearance. Who ever said your flab is useless?

The eviler fat of the two is known as visceral fat. This is the belly fat that settles in your abdominal cavity. Settling around your organs, such as the liver, it can be deadly in high amounts. High amounts of visceral fat are also associated with diabetes, high cholesterol, cardiac disease, and hypertension.
The cause of visceral fat is due to a mixture of heredity and our own unhealthy habits. Those few extra beers can quickly cause visceral fat to run wild, forming a beer belly. It’s why high quantities of this fat have even been found in people at normal weights. Everyone is prone to visceral fat, not just the obese.

So how exactly can we rid our bodies of this particular fat?
If you suffer from obesity, Barriatric surgery is an option. There are also several medications on the market that can curb appetite or decrease fat absorption. But the real way to nix this problematic fat is through age old diet and exercise. Therefore, it is all up to you to get yourself healthy. Though at some point in the future there will most likely be a way to surgically remove visceral fat, until then it is entirely in your hands.

To your health and beauty,

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