Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tip Asymmetry Leading Request for Rhinoplasty, Revision Rhinoplasty

There are many reasons why someone would undergo rhinoplasty: deviated septum, collapsed nostrils, crooked nose, etc. HealthDay News recently reported that the number one aesthetic reason for rhinoplasty and revision rhinoplasty in patients is tip asymmetry.

The study, which was published in the September/October issue of the Archives of Facial Plastic Surgery, was administer by Kathy Yu, M.D. of Columbia College and Cornell University in New York. Yu and her colleagues used a questionnaire to analyze the functional and aesthetic concerns of 104 patients considering revision rhinoplasty.

According to the investigators, tip asymmetry topped the list as the most common aesthetic concern for surgeons and patients alike. The second most popular was the crooked middle third of the nose, followed by upper third irregularity. An average of 79 percent of surgeons shared the same aesthetic concerns as their patients.

"In conclusion, this study sheds light on the major concerns of patients seeking revision rhinoplasty and compares them with the surgeon's objective findings. These findings emphasize the importance of physician awareness of patients' concerns, understanding the causes of post-surgical nasal obstruction, and clearly explaining nasal aesthetics to patients seeking revision rhinoplasty,” the authors wrote.

For patients considering rhinoplasty for the first time or revision rhinoplasty, it is important that your doctor understand your aesthetic concerns and objectives. Whether it is difficulty breathing, a crooked middle third or an asymmetrical tip, it is important that the patient’s concerns are adequately communicated to their plastic surgeon.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

The Line Between Cosmetics and Cosmeceuticals is Getting Thinner

A recent article by Plastic Surgery Practice reports that the gray area between the skin care and cosmetics industry is growing. Global Industry Analysts, Inc., revealed that the color cosmetics market will reach $41.4 billion by 2015. This is due in part to the inclusion of UV protection, moisturizing components, and natural and organic ingredients in cosmetics.  Makeup is now available in a multitude of formats, textures and pigments.

Not only that, consumers are now benefiting from an array of different treatment options available in the cosmetics, including anti-aging effects. There is a cosmetic product made for virtually every skin type and condition.

Going green is another trend that has been affecting the cosmetics industry. Product manufacturers are now beginning to include ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ ingredients such as vitamin E and plant extracts to attract consumers.

Once upon a time, makeup contained heavy pigments that clogged pores and caused skin irritation. Now, mineral blends and light-capturing crystals, like topaz and mother-of-pearl, are being used to give skin a natural, flawless appearance. To produce an intense color and limit smudging, lipsticks are beginning to incorporate vitamins A, C and E.

Referred to as cosmeceuticals, products with skincare benefits were once only made by high-end makeup lines such as Jane Iredale. Nowadays, one can walk into a drug store and nearly every makeup brand offers SPF-enriched or mineral products. With this growing gray area, it will be interesting to see how the boundaries of the FDA will adjust.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Way to Treat Those Aging Lobes

Just like any other area of skin, earlobes are prone to the signs of aging. From drooping earring holes wrinkled skin, your ears deserve to look just as beautiful as you do.

Dermal fillers—such as Juvederm or Radiesse—can now be used to treat aging earlobes. More commonly used for wrinkles in the face, these fillers can rejuvenate your maturing lobes. For earring holes that have drooped due to heavy jewelry, fillers can be injected to minimize the size of the whole and add support.

Plastic surgeons can also treat wrinkles on the earlobe with fillers as they would treat wrinkles around the eyes or mouth.

Avoiding sun exposure and heavy earrings are ways to prevent premature aging of the skin, however, collagen and elastin naturally breaks down over time.

While some patients prefer to undergo otoplasty for more permanent wrinkle reduction, dermal fillers both deliver permanent results and no downtime. If you are a Delaware resident considering fillers for your ears,  our friendly staff at Danyo Plastic Surgery would be happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.