Friday, November 19, 2010

Divorce, Antidepressants, Or Weight Gain/Loss Can Add Years To Your Face

Remember that old saying, that if you want to see what a woman will look like as she ages, look at her mother? A recent identical twins study suggests that may no longer be the case. Although genetic makeup certainly plays its part, environmental factors can add years to your perceived age.

In the study, performed at University Hospitals Case Medical Center by Dr. Bahaman Guyuron and colleagues, 186 pairs of twins were given very detailed questionnaires to complete. When the questionnaires were gathered, the twins’ photos were also taken. Without sending the questionnaires along, the photos were given to an independent panel to see if the panel members would decide that each pair of siblings were twins, or if they believed that one sibling was older or younger than the other and, if so, approximately how many years’ difference was between them.

Divorce Apparently Ages Us:
Among the twin sets in which one was divorced, the divorced twin appeared older to the panel members (remember, the panel members had no inkling that these were twins, just that they were siblings). According to Dr. Guyuron, "the presence of stress could be one of the common denominators in those twins who appeared older." Panel members also judged those taking antidepressant medications as “significantly older.” This may be due to the relaxation of facial muscles in those taking antidepressants.

Weight was a definite factor—in both directions!
Among twins aged 40 and younger, the panel members believed that the thinner twin was younger. However, for those sets of twins above the age of 40, the chubbier sibling was perceived to be younger, and often by several years.

"This research is important for two reasons," Dr. Guyuron said. "First, we have discovered a number of new factors that contribute to aging and second, our findings put science behind the idea that volume replacement rejuvenates the face."

I heartily agree. Volume replacement with fillers or fat transfer is definitely the way to look younger. Youthful faces have volume; it’s not just the absence of wrinkles. One would think that identical twins over the age of 40 would have the identical wrinkle pattern, right? Therefore, the primary difference that led panel members to view the heavier twin as younger would be based solely on a heavier facial appearance, ie, a fuller face.

Are you surprised by these findings?

To your health and beauty,

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