Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Skin Cancer Cells Killed with an Extract from Green Tea

While we've all heard about the tremendous health benefits of green tea, there's new proof that a compound in green tea may actually shrink skin cancer tumors. 

A study at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow, Scotland, reported recently in the magazine, Nanomedicine, that a laboratory study created a 30% reduction in human skin cancer tumors, while an additional 40% of tumors disappeared altogether, after a month of treatment using a compound found in green tea.

The compound is called epigallocatechin gallate. Previous studies used this extract in an IV drug mixture, but tumors weren't effected. However, the Strathclyde study employed a targeted delivery system that piggybacked the extract with proteins containing iron.  

Keep in mind that this was a laboratory study, and not a clinical trial on humans, which are likely to be years in the offing. However, Dr. Christine Dufes, study head and a senior lecturer at the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences, shared this about the study, "This research could open doors to new treatments for what is still one of the biggest killer diseases in many countries. With the targeted delivery system, it's taken straight to the tumours without any effect on normal tissue. When we used our method, the green tea extract reduced the size of many of the tumours every day, in some cases removing them altogether. These are very encouraging results, which we hope could pave the way for new and effective cancer treatments.”

If you have concerns about skin cancer, such as moles that have changed size or shape, make an appointment to be seen by your dermatologist immediately. There are many treatments for skin cancer and it's best if caught early. Prevention is key! Although here in Delaware, we don't have the rate of skin cancer experienced in the sunniest states like Texas, Florida and California, a high SPF sunscreen is still necessary. Call our Delaware plastic surgery office and schedule a meeting with Deana to review our sunscreens. She'll point you in the right protection direction!

To your health and beauty,

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