Wednesday, December 29, 2010


The news has revealed many of the disastrous results of silicone injections. Remember Priscilla Presley’s beautiful face? It was literally ruined by lowgrade silicone injections that her doctor told her were “better than Botox”. You can see the unfortunate results at left. Once injected, silicone is “forever” and can onlybe surgically removed, leading to the potential for some very nasty scarring.

Although it’s true that there is no FDA approval for using silicone for cosmetic purposes, I’m betting if you did a poll of your friends, most of them would think that it’s currently being injected into lips, buttocks, breasts and faces all over America. That’s because most people aren’t aware of the dangers. 

Back in the 1950’s and 60’s, silicone was used for breast enlargement. Unfortunately,  this led to lumps, bumps, injections and deformities and was banned. You probably recall that the original silicone breast implants were also recalled for similar concerns as well as concerns that leaked silicone led to auto-immune problems.

Please be sure that you and your friends are aware of the dangers of silicone injections, and the fact that they are not approved by the FDA. No reputable plastic surgeon would ever use them. Here at our Delaware plastic surgery office, we have multiple filler options that are safe and effective. Come in to see us and learn which might be right for your particular needs.

By the way, did you know that Botox has a treatment visualizer? It’s fun and effective, and a great way to see, in the privacy of your home, how you might look.

To your health & beauty,
Dr. Joe Danyo 

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