Sunday, June 6, 2010

New Injection for Veins Approved by the FDA

The FDA has approved a new treatment for spider and varicose veins—Asclera.

Although this product is not new in Europe or Canada, it was just approved here. It’s another injectable that can be used for spider veins. It has an excellent track record for safety elsewhere.

Polidocanol (that’s the generic name for Asclera) collapses the vein with the use of fluid. It is similar to other products previously used in sclerotherapy, but it does not leave open sores and discoloration.  Actually, we don’t find that to be a problem in our practice in any case, but it’s good to know there’s a new alternative.

Age and genetics are factors to the development of varicose veins, as well as sitting or standing too long on hard surfaces and wearing clothing that’s too tight. If you do a great deal fo standing, be sure to put your feet up when you get home, even if just for 20 minutes.

Unfortunately, the majority of those with varicose veins don’t treat them unless they become unsightly. This can be a mistake, as they can become painful and even create a blood clot.

If you’re bothered with veins, please come in and see us about them. We’ll do a detailed examination and see if we can help you eliminate them either with laser treatments or sclerotherapy. In addition to the cosmetic benefit, sclerotherapy may also remedy the uncomfortable symptoms associated with spider veins, including aching, burning, swelling and night cramps.

To your health and beauty,


  1. Actually these are really most commonly and An increasing number of men and women are now looking at cosmetic surgery the development of varicose veins in women but is also known to occur in men. Most often a family history of varicose veins caused by a hereditary weakness in the vein wall or valves of the veins.

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