If you spend any time out in public, you’re bound to run across someone who has had a nose job here in Delaware (rhinoplasty by its proper name). Although most rhinoplasty procedures are done in the operating room, depending upon the reason to have one, a rhinoplasty can sometimes be accomplished through injectable fillers and Botox. This procedure is often called "the 15-minute nose job."
For those individuals with a severely deviated septum, a huge hump, a broken nose or a nose that is too large for their facial features, the 15-minute nose job isn’t appropriate, as it simply won’t provide enough correction. The 15-minute nose job is best for those who have the following concerns:
- A nose that is uneven;
- A bump that can be improved by filling out the nearby tissues;
- A drooping nasal tip;
- Nasal dents, depressions or grooves;
- A flat bridge of the nose
- A saddle nose or a scooped nose.
OK, it’s not exactly 15 minutes—maybe 20—but it is fast, vastly less expensive, much less risky, and the results are immediate with little down time. The 15-minute nose job requires no general anesthesia, no packing and no sutures. Plus, you’ll leave the office with the finished product, in most cases. You might wish to take the rest of the day off but, depending on the amount of filler needed and any temporary swelling you might experience, it’s possible you’ll just return to your work or social schedule immediately!
If you’ve been thinking about a nose job and want to investigate the potential of having either a rhinoplasty or the non-surgical version, schedule a visit with me. The 15-minute nose job doesn’t work for every nose, but it is appropriate for many of them. And if that’s not the rhinoplasty that works for you, I’ll show you my before/after rhinoplasty photos!